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Finding Your Feet®

The value of exercising and communicating with others has been proven

At C360 we understand and value the importance of walking to support good physical and mental wellbeing. The value of being out in nature, exercising and communicating with others has been proven.

Green Prescribing is considered high profile to us, and we are passionate and committed to deliver this within our communities.  Finding Your Feet® walks were developed to do just this and have succeeded, by offering supported walks that aim to meet the needs of those who may have previously felt less motivated or confident to attend.  We are facilitating walks in both Colchester and Braintree district so please call us on 01206 505250 for further information.

Call 01206 505250 or email information@community360.org.uk

Join us on our walks

We are always looking to expand our locations, so if you would like to get involved and help with walks in a particular area within the Braintree district and Colchester borough, please get in touch.

To volunteer at the walks, please visit our Volunteer Essex page for more information:


Finding Your Feet® walks in the Braintree District


Coggeshall Mondays 1.30 – 2.30pm
Sible Hedingham Mondays 10.00 – 11.00am
Shalford Wednesdays 10.00 – 11.00am
Braintree Thursdays 1.30 – 2.30pm
Silver End Thursdays 10.00 – 11.00am
Witham Fridays 1.30 – 2.30pm
Terling 3rd Saturday of the month 10.30 – 11.30am

For more information, please contact jobryant@community360.org.uk

Finding Your Feet® walks in Colchester Borough

Hythe Monday 11:00 – 12:00 Meet at Tesco car park entrance CO1 2TE
Colchester Town Tuesday 12:00 – 12:30 Meet at One Colchester Community Hub CO1 1LH
St Johns Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30 Meet at car park CO4 0NB
Greenstead Wednesday 12:00 – 13:00 Meet at Greenstead Community Centre CO4 3QE
Highwoods Thursday 10:30 – 12:30 With coffee at PCC Hub Cafe – Meet at Chanterelle car park CO4 9RY
Colchester Thursday 12:00 – 13:00 Meet at One Colchester Community Hub CO1 1LH
Lexden Friday 13:00 – 14:30 Meet at Lexden Park car park CO3 4AA
Fingringhoe Wick 1st Friday of the month 10:30 – 11:30
Fingringhoe Wick 1st Friday of the month !3:00 – 14:30


For more information, please contact emilywingate@community360.org.uk.

Active Motivation –

an online motivational walk

Fridays 10.30am – 11.00am

For more information, please contact jobryant@community360.org.uk for details.

Click here to download : Active Motivation online walks


Get active with

the 15-30 Challenge

Being physically active means doing any kind of activity that gets your body moving. We all know it’s good for us to keep active but sometimes things get in the way. It can be time, energy, money, illness or many other things that stops us from being active.

Working during lockdown Community360’s walk motivator Jo could see the isolation that people were feeling and also how much confidence many had lost which was stopping them from leaving the home. She is a firm believer in the power of walking and recognised that it was very important for people to be able to get out both for their physical and mental wellbeing. Her walks were devised to be encompassing for everyone to take part in, whatever their activity level, providing a platform for people to get out again. Online walks were also created for people who could not join the walks in person.

Community360 hold regular walks in Colchester borough and Braintree district, online walk sessions and care home activity sessions and our walk leaders see first hand the benefits on our physical and mental health of being active. They also see some of the hurdles people face in motivation or ability to take part.

Exercise isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and the 15/30 Challenge has been created with this in mind. Simply put;

  • Think of a new activity, lasting approximately 15 minutes to get you active and moving!
  • See if you can complete the challenge by doing one a day for 30 days. record your progression by ticking the boxes for each day you complete.
  • Do things you enjoy and keep it fun.

We have made some suggestions for things to do, but any activity works as long as it encourages you to be more active than you were before. Setting a small time aside each day will help being more active a regular habit. Make being active a habit that sticks.

To learn more about the 15/30 Challenge contact Jo Bryant or Emily Wingate on 01206 50 5250 or email information@community360.org.uk

You can download a free copy of the challenge sheet here. Please feel free to share : 15-30 Challenge

Meet Jo

I’m Jo and I have a passion for helping people find movement!

Through my work with the Finding your Feet® walks in and around Braintree, as well as my online active motivation walks, I enjoy motivating and supporting people to get active, to reconnect with others and with nature. For those whose mobility, health or confidence prevents them from getting outside to walk, the online activity is a stepping-stone. I love my job, because not only am I helping support others to get moving, I’m benefitting from it too!

Through my ambassador role with Find Your Active, I want to support, enable and motivate individuals and communities to find the exercise that best suits their needs and through this, help them grow in confidence and feel healthier in mind and body.

I hope you will enjoy my monthly blogs and hopefully see you on one of my walks soon.


Jo Blogs in May for National Walking Month


Jo Blogs in May


Jo Blogs May
Jo Blogs again
Jo Blogs again August
Jo Blogs in October

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