We are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of our communities.
Looking after your
wellbeing has never
been so important
We do this by managing or contributing to community-based wellbeing projects. We attend events to promote the impact that volunteering and voluntary groups can have on people’s quality of life. We partner with healthcare providers to deliver services. We also work strategically to address issues, supporting people who may be at risk during the winter months due to the weather.
At its core, our wellbeing work is connected to our My Social Prescription® scheme (MSP).
My Social Prescription™?
Launched in 2013, My Social Prescription® (MSP) is a community-based scheme led by Community360 across Colchester. It serves to address the social issues that can affect people’s well-being. My Social Prescription® does this by connecting people to voluntary and community services, volunteering as well as providing support with health conditions and encouraging self-care.
Find out more about
My Social Prescription™
Community360 is pleased to lead the
‘Find a Friend’ network
‘Find a Friend’ was formed in 2017 to support those organisations delivering befriending services across the City of Colchester.
The network was established as a pilot with funding from the ACT Social Impact Fund and Colchester Catalyst Trust. The need for befrienders is increasing with all organisations in the network saying they struggled to keep up with the demand. Organisations in the network include Age Concern, Abbots Over 50s Friendship Club, Action for Family Carers, Age UK Essex, Autism Anglia and more.
Befriending services vary depending on the resources and may be a telephone call once a week to have a chat and find out how things are, to a home visit where a befriender will visit someone in their home to have a cup of tea and a chat or hosting an afternoon tea party.
During the pilot year we hope to increase the number of people volunteering as befrienders and increase the capacity of organisations to cope with the demand.