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Environmental Policy

C360 is a professional and environmentally conscious organisation, which acknowledges the impact that our operations may potentially have on the environment.

We recognise the importance of leading on our Ambition by playing our part to seek a better quality of life by reducing our own impacts on the environment, and by leading others to do the same.

Aims and objectives

The clear objective of C360 is to minimise any impact on the environment by:

  • Allocating suitable and sufficient resources and by implementing appropriate systems so that all legal duties are met
  • Taking steps to reduce our impact on the environment by cutting the amount of energy the company uses wherever reasonably practicable
  • Planning and organising deliveries and staff travel, so that road travel is kept to a minimum
  • Investing in low-energy technology and, if practicable, renewable energy technology
  • Preventing pollution, reducing waste and ensuring, wherever practicable, that measures are implemented to protect and preserve natural habitats, flora and fauna
  • Considering the effects that our operations may have on the local community
  • Promoting environmental awareness amongst our employees, suppliers, contractors and partners by implementation of operational procedures
  • Ensuring effective and expedient incident control, investigation and reporting
  • Identifying that if the company doesn’t have staff with the appropriate levels of competence in-house, it will seek competent advice from an experienced environmental professional
  • Identifying all environmental legislation that applies, both directly and indirectly, to the company’s activities
  • Establishing a system to monitor and report on the outcomes of this policy
  • Ensuring sustainability by carrying out purchasing activities in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Reviewing and updating this policy on an annual basis

C360 seeks to play a positive role in championing good environmental practice and to promote good practice to our internal and external stakeholders.  To this end, we will:

  • Foster environmental awareness and understanding in all employees, volunteers, suppliers, customers, subcontractors and other stakeholders
  • Share our policy with our community
  • Work with our community to advise and encourage them on good environmental practice

What we have achieved already:

  • New buses purchased or leased are Euro6 standard with a commitment that older vehicle are phased out
  • Replaced lighting to be more energy efficient
  • Recycling of paper, cartridges and IT equipment
  • Reduction of printed material produced by moving from for example, printed newsletters shared by post to electronic newsletters shared by internet
  • Reduction of the number of letters produced and posted by moving communications to email where possible
  • Encouraging staff to produce printed materials more thoughtfully by limiting the storage space available to individuals
  • Redesigning our working environment to use the space available more efficiently to us
  • The purchase of second-hand office furniture when and where possible
  • The reduction in use of single use disposable plastic at our offices by providing crockery and glasses for drinks consumption
  • Repairing/re-using equipment wherever possible


We will implement this policy by sharing it with all current staff, volunteers and Board members and by including it as part of our induction programme.  We will regularly review the policy and its implementation and update it accordingly.

Tracy Rudling, CEO will take overall responsibility for ensuring that this policy is fully adopted into the Company. All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy. This includes co-operating with management on any environment-related matter.

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