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ONLINE ABCD Training – Theory and Practice


20/12/2022 - 22/12/2022    
09:00 - 16:00

Event Type


Asset Based Community Development is a frequently used phrase in the third sector, but where has it come from, what are the principles and what does it mean in practice? This 2.5-hour online course will take you through all the essentials of this approach to sustainable community-driven development by exploring the background, and the theory and principles. It will also help you to understand how to identify and develop the right environment so that ABCD principles can thrive and so that it can be of benefit to your organisation in practice. 


  • Understand the underlying theoretical basis for and principles of ABCD 
  • Explore asset-based approaches to community development, in particular, the Roseto Effect 
  • Understand the importance of creating the right conditions and culture for applying ABCD
  • Understand the uses of ABCD and its practical application in the local context by discussing real world examples and case studies 
  • Explore how to apply ABCD principles to your own context
  • Set actions and measures for yourself to apply ABCD principles

Do you need this training brought in-house to your own staff? Contact us on information@community360.org.uk to find out how.

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