Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System Women’s Health Engagement
Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System need your input to make sure the local women’s health care offer is accessible and improves the health of all who use women’s services in Suffolk and north east Essex. The information gathered will be used to help design the local women’s health care offer.
This survey is for everyone who may use women’s health services and support. That includes those who identify as women but may not have been born female and those who were born female but may no longer identify as a woman.
This engagement is part of a local response to a national Department of Health and Social Care 10-year ambition for boosting the health and wellbeing of women and girls (from puberty). The national strategy identifies the following seven priority areas:
· Menstrual health and gynaecological health conditions
· Fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and post-natal support
· Menopause
· Mental health and wellbeing
· Cancers
· The health impacts of violence against women and girls
· Healthy ageing and long-term conditions
Please respond before the end of March 2024.
Click here to open the survey and for more information :