Cyber security is an issue that matters to all of us. No matter the size of your organisation, staying safe online is essential to being able to continue your work and support your local community. That’s why we’re working with NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) to train our members to be able to support their networks to protect themselves from cyber threats. In this blog post, we explore why it’s so important that every small charity knows how to keep themselves safe online. 

So, what exactly is cyber security? According to NCSC, ‘cyber security is the means by which individuals and organisations reduce the risk of becoming victims of cyber-attack’. Through cyber security, we can protect the devices we all use, such as smartphones and laptops, and the services we access on them, from damage or theft. We can keep personal and sensitive information safe, enabling us to do our work with a reduced risk of cyber-attack. Now, with issues such as the cost-of-living crisis, it’s vital that all charities and community groups take steps that can prevent cyber criminals getting hold of our accounts, data, and devices.

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