In 2022, the Department of Health and Social Care set out a 10-year ambition for boosting the health and wellbeing of women and girls (from puberty).
The Strategy identifies the following seven priority areas;
• Menstrual health and gynecological health conditions
• Fertility, pregnancy, pregnancy loss and post-natal support
• Menopause
• Mental health and wellbeing
• Cancers
• The health impacts of violence against women and girls
• Healthy ageing and long-term conditions
Using the information from the national strategy, Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System will design together what the services look and feel like locally so they reflect what is important and valuable to people. Our offer will be available from winter 2024, and Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care System need your input to make sure they will be accessible and improve the health of all who use women’s services in Suffolk and North East Essex.
Please note: This project includes those who identify as women but may not have been born female and those who were born female but may no longer identify as a woman.
Members of the Suffolk and North East Essex Women’s Health Insight and Oversight group have co-produced the following questions, the members of the group can be found at the end of the survey. The questions are designed to be tailored for different people and communities that they hope to engage with. This means if you are asking the questions to a group or person (rather than completing the survey yourself) they can be asked in different ways / with different words depending on the group/person you are engaging with, for example what a ‘barrier’ is, isn’t always clear and you can choose to use a different word or phrase.
The questions give you space to complete your answers and responses.
All responses are anonymous.
Please use the language and terminology you are comfortable with. Please ensure your approach is accessible and inclusive.
These questions will be open for response throughout March 2024.
Please visit the following website to complete the survey :