Explore the world of addiction recovery with an accredited online course, focusing on the science and evidence of recovery pathways in Europe. The course details how policy has impacted on recovery pathways available and also on differences in recovery pathways, in relation to gender. Don’t miss this chance to engage with this insightful course and have meaningful discussions with a leading expert in the field.

You can listen to a short introduction to the course here:


Now here is the part that ERF are adding in as an exclusive offer:

Dr David Patton, who is part of the REC path project and research team and was involved in writing the course, has kindly agreed to run an Intro, mid-point and end point discussion group exclusively for people who sign up to the course via ERF.  The end point discussion will take place in person with Dr David Patton at our recovery festival August 2-4th. Another reason to come have some fun at the first Essex Recovery festival!!

Click here to read more : https://mailchi.mp/essexrecoveryfoundation/recovery-pathways-course