The latest NCVO monthly governance round-up. This month we look at the latest guidance from the Charity Commission and share recent governance news and events.

New trustee investment guidance

The Charity Commission has shared revised guidance on how trustees should make investment decisions.

This guidance, also called CC14, has been under the microscope since Butler-Sloss brought a legal case against the Charity Commission last April.

The case asked for clearer guidance for trustees to help them decide how to invest their charities’ money. It focused on the possible environmental impact of trustees’ decisions.

The case concluded that trustees should follow their legal duties and use their judgement to make investment decisions. This could mean deciding not to invest in certain funds.

The Charity Commission was asked to amend its guidance as part of the case, so this re-issued guidance is welcome.

The guidance sets out key principles for trustees when making investment decisions. It includes helpful sections on example approaches and an overview of social investment. The guidance also sets out what trustees should include in investment policies.

Read the revised CC14 investment guidance

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