NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (NHS MSE ICB) invites all suitable providers to attend this Market Engagement Event for the establishment of a Pseudo-Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS). The ICB aims to establish this PDPS framework provision for small and medium enterprises (SME)s, Voluntary Sector Charity Organisations (VSCOs), and organisations who could deliver purpose led services within the Mid and South Essex ICB localities.

The PDPS services aim to support the ICB’s understanding of the community infrastructure that can underpin ongoing development and will enable more rapid implementation of schemes through a streamlined “call-off” process, via the PDPS framework.

A market engagement event will be held Monday 11th December 2023 at 11:30am. The session will comprise of a Microsoft Teams Live Event which will comprise a live broadcast presentation followed by a Q&A session.

All interested providers must register at the Attain e-procurement portal at https://attain.bravosolution.co.uk/ (SQ_97_Market Engagement Event – PDPS Voluntary Sector and SME Specialist Contracts Framework for NHS Mid and South Essex ICB) to complete and return the market engagement booking form.

The deadline to express an interest is Monday 11th December 2023, at 09:00hrs. All further information and documents are free and available at https://attain.bravosolution.co.uk/

Please Note: Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken by you prior to any subsequent procurement is a matter solely for your own commercial judgement. The Commissioners reserve the right to withdraw from the process at any time or to not tender the service(s)or to tender on a different basis. In such circumstances, and in any event, The Commissioners and/or their advisors shall not be liable for any costs or loss of expenses whatsoever incurred by any organisation, agent or subsidiary that may have contributed to any proposals submitted to this notice.