LandAid is a charity established by the UK property industry that has been working for 30 years to end youth homelessness across the UK.

It award grants to exceptional small-medium sized charities working with young people who are at risk of becoming homeless, are currently homeless, or have experienced homelessness in the past. Mainly capital projects are funded as they provide much-needed homes for vulnerable young people.

The Routes out of Homelessness grants programme aims to create new bedspaces for young people (16-25 years) who are homeless or have experienced homelessness.

There are three funding streams within this programme.

  • Safe Spaces Programme: to create new/additional hosting bedspaces, generally bedspaces in the homes of individuals or families who may be volunteers or paid. These bedspaces would generally be used for emergency housing, or as a form of supported housing. There are no funding limits, but bedspaces are expected to cost anywhere between £1,000 and £3,500.
  • Capital Grants Programme with awards between £20,000 and £100,000: to create bedspaces in properties owned by, or on a long-term lease to, charitable organisations. These bedspaces could be used for emergency, supported or move-on accommodation.
  • Move-on Grants Programme: To unlock bedspaces in the private, or social, rental sector. These bedspaces will be for move-on accommodation. These grants would be for charities working with young people who are ready and wanting to move forward into independent living, but face barriers in accessing rental accommodation.  It is anticipated that the average move-on bedspace in the private sector will generally cost £1,000 to £2,000 to unlock.

In 2024, there is particular interest in projects that will create bedspaces with the following attributes:

  • Based in the North-East of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
  • For groups of young people who may be disproportionately at risk of homelessness. This would include young people of colour, young refugees and young people identifying as LGBTQ+.
  • Which would be transformational for the charity and/or local area.

UK organisations with charitable objectives and three unrelated members of their board of trustees can apply. This includes registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs), Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) or other not-for-profit organisations. Partnership applications are also welcome.

There is a two-stage application process.

Expressions of Interest will be accepted from 8 January 2024.

Routes Out of Homelessness Grant Programmes – LandAid