ACT is a charity that provides funding to support community and charity projects, through one-off funding. Its aims are: To promote and protect the social, mental and physical health, welfare and wellbeing of people in the community of North East Essex and surrounding areas.  ACT will also fundraise with local community and/or charitable groups and accept donations.

ACT’s vision is:
“We will help you to create change to improve lives for the long term.”

ACT is looking to maximise its financial investments to continue providing grants for local communities and whilst they have a great long term portfolio, they are seeking an Independent Financial Advisor to work with them to develop a shorter term plan.

Ideally, ACT want to work with potential IFAs within the North East Essex area, but they want to work with the best, so if what they do interests you and you want to be a part of their growing future, please contact:

You can read more about ACT here :