Inclusive Communication Essex is all about sharing ideas on how to improve communication.

It is about being aware and valuing all different ways a person may use to communicate to enable them to make and understand choices, express feelings and needs, and involve themselves in the world around them.

This approach supports the use of:

  • Speech that is simple clear and at the right level for the person’s understanding,
  • Body Language that supports and matches the spoken word,
  • Gestures that support and match the spoken word,
  • Signing that is done at the same time as speaking and in the same word order,
  • Pictures, photos, graphics and symbols that support both the spoken and written word,
  • Objects that can be used to stand for people, locations or activities,
  • Interactive approaches for those with profound learning disabilities and communication needs.

Inclusive Communication Essex model some of their AAC resources on the 5-Point Scale.

The 5-Point Scale was developed to help teach children about social understanding and communicating their feelings. Find out more at and

Sign-up to Inclusive Communication Essex to borrow items like the Story Sequencer at