The Community Engagement Fund (CEF) is a £150,000 grant fund to support grassroots and community groups to engage communities and raise awareness of priority Home Office policy areas and the support available.
Some nationality groups, including Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Ghana and India, despite possibly having been impacted, are not coming forward for compensation to the Windrush Compensation Scheme. There also remains a significant difference between the number of people granted through the Windrush Scheme (documentation) and applications made under the Windrush Compensation Scheme. The reasons for both disparities are unclear.
During 2023 to 2024, the funding is intended to:
- Raise awareness of and address any misinformation about the Windrush Compensation and Windrush Documentation Schemes with a focus on non-Caribbean communities and encourage them to apply to these schemes.
- Build on the insights and learning taken from existing work on Windrush to understand:
- why individuals are not applying for the Windrush Compensation Scheme and/or the Windrush Scheme.
- how to encourage eligible individuals to apply to these schemes.
A total of £150,000 is being made available in 2023-24.
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 can cover costs associated with:
- Holding events, for example cost of venue, refreshments, and other related costs.
- Creating and sharing marketing materials, like leaflets and posters.
- Running communications campaigns both in person and online.
- Accessing and using communication channels, for example social media or local radio.
- Getting support from corporate partners, public figures or advocates.
- Staff time to work specifically on the project.
The fund should support short and easy-to-deliver projects which must be completed by 29 March 2024.
Applications will be accepted from 1 August 2023 to 30 August 2023.
Community Engagement Fund 2023-24 – GOV-UK Find a grant (