Have your say on inpatient stays in community hospital beds
As part of the NHS’s winter preparations, senior clinicians and partners across the health and care system have been developing plans to make the best use of healthcare facilities and resources this winter.
Read this webpage for more information.

NHS Mid and South Essex is asking people for their views on these temporary changes for bed-based healthcare in our community – and their experience, if they have needed to spend some time in one. This is to help inform longer term options for these services. It is important to remember that no permanent changes will be made prior to formal public consultation.

NHS Mid and South Essex has set up a survey, which you can access from the button below. We would also like to hear about any recent experiences you have had of overnight stays in community hospital beds. To share your comments, please use the button below.

Have you say by visiting: https://virtualviews.midandsouthessex.ics.nhs.uk/community-and-hospital-services-in-mid-and-south-essex

Closes 30 November 2023.