Essex County Council have been awarded White Ribbon Accreditation for their commitment to ending men’s violence against women in the workplace and local communities.
It was awarded by White Ribbon UK, the country’s leading charity that engages men and boys to end violence against women and girls.
This announcement comes in conjunction with White Ribbon Day  on Saturday 25 November. This also marks the beginning of 16 Days of Action Against Gender-Based Violence.

This year’s theme is #ChangeTheStory for women and girls.

Highlighting that it is a collective responsibility to create a world where women and girls can live free from fear of violence.
White Ribbon Accreditation is an opportunity to further make the work-place a safe place for women and men. It is also an opportunity to upskill employees to become changemakers.
Essex County Council will now look to transform their employee culture, systems, and the wider community.
To do this they have set up a White Ribbon Steering Group. The group will develop a three-year action plan.
Over the next six months, the group will focus on how to identify and root out harmful attitudes and behaviours that can lead to gender-based violence.

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