The Development Plan Document (DPD) for the Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community (TCBGC) has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration.
The Submission Version of the DPD contains policies, standards, and an indicative masterplan layout that will shape growth of a planned new settlement between Colchester, Ardleigh and Elmstead Market, which forms part of the adopted Local Plans for Colchester and Tendring.
In March, Tendring District Council and Colchester City Council voted to send the DPD out for formal consultation, following backing by the TCBGC Joint Committee – and now the plan, along with all of the consultation responses, have been submitted for final examination by an independent Planning Inspector.
The Planning Inspector will consider all the evidence and assess if the DPD is sound and compliant with local and national planning policy.
Once the Plan is formally adopted, any future planning applications to develop the Garden Community will be determined by the Joint Committee against the policies set out in the Plan, which include: Land Uses and Spatial Approach; Community and Social Infrastructure; Buildings, Places and Character; Economic Activity and Employment; Movement and Connections; Sustainable Infrastructure; Nature; and Infrastructure Delivery and Impact Mitigation.
Cllr David King, Leader of Colchester City Council and Vice-Chairman of the TCB Joint Committee, said: “The submission of the final draft Development Plan is a very significant milestone in the development of this important project and is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.
“I welcome the fact that the process of developing the Development Plan has been a listening one. My thanks to everyone who developed the Plan and enabled the consultation, as well as to all those who took the time to respond. All these responses have been sent to the Planning Inspectorate, along with the Plan, and we now await a date for the examination to take place.”
Cllr Mike Bush, Tendring District Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Lead Tendring Member on the TCBGC Joint Committee, added: “This Development Plan Document has been some time in the making, but that time was necessary to ensure the councils have properly considered the ideas and opinions of local residents and other interested parties, and the plans are supported with a thorough body of technical evidence.
“I am pleased we have reached this important step in the planning process and look forward to hearing from the Planning Inspector who will decide which topics to discuss further.”
The TCBGC Joint Committee meets next month (9 October) to review progress on the development.
Separately, the developer of the garden community is about to begin a round of public engagement roadshows around the project. Find out more at