From Annie Feltham, Chair of Community360 Board of Trustees:
As Chair of C360, I am delighted to support our new Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026. It reflects our experience of supporting people through three challenging years of Covid, and continuing that commitment through a cost of living crisis, so that now we and our partners will look to the future and as our new purpose states: through partnership working we will foster resilient, thriving and inclusive communities so everyone can live their best lives.
Our values are central to everything we do. These are publicly stated, and we expect to be judged by how they inform our choices and behaviours. Our four strategic objectives capture not just the differences we want to make, the impacts we want to achieve, but how we want that all to happen.
We want to be a learning and a welcoming organisation. We collaborate with our partners and provide benefits through the activities on offer. And individuals can be both providers in one situation and beneficiaries in another. And that is why our doors are open.
You can download a copy of our Strategic Plan for 2023- 2026 here : Community360 Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026