Coffin Club Colchester is an educational charity helping people to reclaim a participatory relationship with death and build strong, supportive communities where people can have frank conversations and reflect on their future with camaraderie. They empower people and help them understand their choices and options for low-cost funeral planning, whilst providing the opportunity to talk about what is traditionally a taboo subject.

Coffin Club Colchester offers a free 6-week course, run twice a year, meeting one day a week from 10:15am to 12noon. Each week there is a different invited speaker with Q&A after which tea, coffee and biscuits will be served – clubbers will also work their way through their funeral wish-list until they’ve planned, and costed, the send-off that is just perfect for them!

A Decorating Workshop will be arranged if individual’s wish to purchase and decorate their coffin over the six-week course. People can attend for speaker only or stay on to decorate their own low carbon footprint coffin. Autumn 2023 sessions commence from 26th September.


This video explains a bit more about Coffin Club Colchester


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