Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP) – Changing harmful relationships for positive futures
Who is the service for?
The Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP) is for individuals who want to stop being abusive towards their (ex) partners and are motivated to change their behaviour. We accept both statutory and self-referrals for both males and females.
The Integrated Support Service (ISS) will assess and manage risk and can provide emotional and practical support. They are also able to refer survivors into our BACP accredited counselling service. The Integrated Support Service works alongside other agencies and can signpost or refer survivors into other agencies that would be beneficial or perhaps increase their safety.
How to refer?
Referrals are welcomed from any professional working with an individual/family where domestic abuse is a concern.
Clients can self-refer, however if they are open to services, referrals should be made by an agency working with the individual/family.
Referrals from professionals require the client’s consent. Where possible, the referral should also be discussed with the victim/survivor in advance.
For more information, and to make a referral, please contact:
Phone: 07713 307636
Click here to read more : DAPP Agency Flyer