Young Adult Carers Creative Wellbeing

16th March 2024
11am – 3pm

Chelmsford Library, Chelmsford, CM1 1QH

Carers First are celebrating Young Carers Action Day!

The workshop will start at 11am and focus on gratitude and positivity and the health and wellbeing benefits. Followed by a walk in the afternoon across to the park and invite the participants to pause periodically to connect with nature and their surroundings. While doing this we will observe, and sketch or take photographs. An explanation on the purpose will be given and briefly talk about the benefits that we achieve by slowing down and taking time to connect. This will gently continue the theme of gratitude and demonstrate simple but effective ways that you can create brief interludes into your daily lives that provide respite, a change of state and mindset, and the possibility of creating longer term habits that can increase your wellbeing.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

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