Braintree District Council Corporate Strategy steers the strategic direction, helps to shape services and influences budget planning. It is revisited every four years to ensure their work meets the needs of the district and delivers on behalf of everyone who lives, works and invests in the Braintree district.

The Councils current strategy comes to an end in March 2024 and work is being carried out to develop a new strategy to take us through to 2028. As part of this process, we would like to hear from you on what is important to you to help us set our priorities for the next four years.

Participation in this consultation is very important to us and we welcome all comments which will be treated as confidential and will be anonymised for any publication.

Any information you provide will be held and used in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations. The information you provide will not be shared with any third parties, but where appropriate, it will be used to support the planning of services and the continuous improvement of various functions.

The deadline for this consultation is 5pm on Friday 1 September 2023

This consultation should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

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