June is the month we mark Volunteer’s Week and celebrate the amazing work of our volunteers.
To be a volunteer, it takes…
Generosity, a willingness to give your time to others
Understanding, because their lives might be very different from your own
Empathy, an ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel what they must feel
Compassion, to truly care about making someone else’s life better
Patience, because the process doesn’t always go as smoothly as it might
Dedication, to stick with the project and see it through.
Our volunteers over the last year have given over 11,000 hours of their time supporting the community when they need it most. We thank you all for your dedication, kindness and positivity and for the many smiles you have put back on faces.
If you are thinking about volunteering we would love to hear from you. Why not give us a call on 01206 505250 or email volunteer@community360.org.uk
You can learn more about volunteering with Community360 here