Essex County Council have added more than 60 new activities, clubs and groups to the Essex Local Offer. This means even more children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their families, can benefit from inclusive opportunities across the county.

The Essex Local Offer gives information about support available to children and young people aged between 0 to 25, and their parents and carers. This includes information on learning, health and wellbeing, and what to do if you think your child needs help. You can also use the Local Offer directory to search for support services, groups and activities in Essex.

The improved Essex Local Offer website launched last year. Since then the number of opportunities on the website have continued to increase for children and young people with SEND in Essex. A recent campaign aimed at getting more businesses, clubs and charities to join the free online directory has seen a sharp increase in the number of opportunities available to Essex residents.

Learn more about the Essex Local Offer and suggest other services or activities that could be added to the directory.

SEND organisations can also request to join the Essex Local Offer.